Fastpacking and bivvying along the South West Coast Path, Penzance to Falmouth

So with the long weekend for the Queen’s jubilee approaching it was time to plan a memorable trip like I did for William and Kate’s wedding when I visited the Shetlands making the most of the extra bank holidays. Maps were perused and plans started to form for a fast packing trip. Where should we… Continue reading Fastpacking and bivvying along the South West Coast Path, Penzance to Falmouth

Scrambling and wild camping with my daughter on Old Man of Coniston

The plan was simple enough for a weekend of wild camping and scrambling around Coniston with my daughter. From the school pickup we joined the sea of traffic heading north around Manchester towards the Lake District. A few years back we we discovered Audible as a way of keeping everyone happy with long journeys, this… Continue reading Scrambling and wild camping with my daughter on Old Man of Coniston

Preparation for a family trekking holiday to Nepal

Lao Tzu  said that ‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’ This post covers some of my thoughts on how we took that first few steps preparing for our family trekking trip to Nepal. Nepal has always had a special place in my heart and the idea was hatched to go… Continue reading Preparation for a family trekking holiday to Nepal